Elevate Gourmet Brands’ premier coffee concept Green Beans Coffee is proud to support Troops at Naval Air Station Pensacola with a second location at Bldg 4141: 123 Fred Bauer Street, Pensacola, FL 32506.”Green Beans Coffee has a long commitment – more than 20 years now – of serving American Troops wherever they go. Whether it be in Afghanistan, Iraq or on-post stateside, we believe these Service Members have the hardest job around. They should be able to enjoy 15 minutes of home in one of our cafés, no matter how far from home they are,” said Chief Operating Officer Brian Laliberte. “The Troops here at NAS Pensacola have really embraced our first café, so we wanted to add a second as soon as possible.”
Following the success of Green Beans Coffee’s first NAS-Pensacola Café in the food court at the Navy Exchange Bldg in Aviation Plaza, the second location is situated opposite the Officer’s Club and boasts a covered outdoor seating area with heaters.
Green Beans Coffee at Bldg 4141 will hold its Grand Opening at 9am on January 26th and invites all on-base to stop in and explore our full menu and enjoy some free treats.